遗传算法是 a PreK-12, coed, nonsectarian day school in 华盛顿堡 PA

What makes us unique?


给予的方式 & 常见问题



Cash gifts given outright are the most common type of contribution. They can be made by an individual, a corporation or a foundation. You can also make your gift online using our secure payment system. 点击这里.


Double your dollars! If your company offers an Employee 匹配的礼物 program, you can make your contribution to vwin德赢娱乐 go farther. With this type of gift, 您可以轻松地加倍支持GA,并加强我们学生的教育体验. 只需将贵公司的捐赠表格连同捐款一起邮寄给我们,我们将从那里开始. 点击这里 to see if your company will match your gift to the Annual Fund.

Electronic Funds Transfer

A convenient way to support 遗传算法是 through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). 您可以快速安全地设置您的信用卡,每月自动扣除指定金额到GA年度基金. To participate, contact the .

Tribute and Memorial Gifts

Honor someone special – a teacher, coach, alumnus or friend by making a in his or her name to vwin德赢娱乐. 用你的礼物, 你可以赞美那些充满你记忆的人,或者那些充满你生活的人. 在生日, 周年纪念, 起的往事, 或者“仅仅因为”,“你以某人的名义捐款是一种表达你钦佩的好方法,同时也为GA带来了改变. For more information, contact the .

Gifts of Stock or Appreciated Securities

股票或增值证券的礼物很容易获得,而且可能为你和你的家人提供显著的税收优惠. You receive a full, fair‐market value tax deduction, and you avoid paying capital gain taxes on the appreciated value.


你的赠予的税收价值是股票离开你的经纪账户之日证券的平均价值. vwin德赢娱乐收到捐赠后,将寄给捐赠者一份正式的纳税收据.

To ensure that you are properly credited for your gift, before transferring any stocks, 请通知 梅格·皮克, Director of 年度捐献, at 267‐405‐7503.

Information to Share with vwin德赢娱乐:
‐ Stock name and symbol
‐ Number of shares being transferred
‐ How the gift should be applied (for example: 年度捐献, a particular Endowment fund, 资本项目, 等.)

Information to Share with your Broker:
穆里尔的角度 & Co.公司.
601 Dresher Rd Suite 302

DTC # 0226
For vwin德赢娱乐
账户# TSP071943
Attention: Gus Langford
800还是545还是7773 ext. 3823

请注意:如果您有兴趣将紧密持有的证券作为礼物,请直接与机构进步办公室联系, prior to initiating any transfers, as these gifts are contingent on approval.



If you are not ready to make your cash gift, 您可以在本财政年度结束前(6月30日)向GA承诺付款。. 点击这里 to set up your pledge. 

Gifts of Real Property

vwin德赢娱乐 can benefit from gifts of all types of real property, such as a residence, 度假屋, a farm or commercial property, or undeveloped land. 向GA捐赠不动产可以大大减少联邦和州的所得税负担,并立即解决营销问题, 消除持有成本,并从您的总应税财产中删除财产. 向GA捐赠财产将使您有权获得财产公平市场价值的慈善扣除. Your deduction is limited to 30% of your adjusted gross income, with a five-year carry-over for any excess. 联系 马丁·迪安 if you are interested in learning more.


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